Thinker Series Episode 12 – Our Connected World/Remote Viewing

Folks this episode is to highlight how our world and our society has become so connected through all kinds of means from, the internet, news, cable and tv. As well as through our minds and through particles and waves. All of these interconnections are real and we need to recognize these connections and how they impact our lives so we can make sure we aren’t creating a world connected for the worst. We need to focus on creating a safe and effective connected world for our future or we will become enslaved to our connections. With all these connections, remote viewers have the ability to tap into this realm where our minds and life is connected. Remote viewing is a real thing and something we are all capable of doing with practice and patience, but the point is is we are all connected and realizing this we can then construct a future where this connectedness benefits all of us.

Thanks for listening!

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Find me at and email me!(Looking for deep thinkers to feature here on DMT!)

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Deeper Meaning Time. Your guide to insight, knowledge, and inspiration that will keep you thinking throughout your every day. Through our conversations to come, we will uncover some of the deepest meanings time has to offer. That is the goal here, to seek out those crazy thoughts that most of us have and do nothing with. Thoughts that maybe could one day become reality. No matter whether or not you agree with me or think I’m crazy or out of my mind this is just about understanding the world around me and making a discussion of my own thoughts. What the idea or thought is you might have, each one is important and is the step towards a greater understanding of the life that surrounds us and continues on for all of us indefinitely as we race through our universe through time and space.

Disclaimer: This is my first ever solo audio blog I’ve ever done. I enjoy writing and I enjoy talking about some crazy thoughts from time to time so i decided that this might be a good outlet to bring others in on the conversation and really dive deep into some mysterious of our existence and dive into those deeper meanings we all have and want to share, but sadly we don’t. With each new episode of Deeper Meaning Time I aim to better my skills as an editor, communicator, and entertainer, as i aspire to develop this into something we can all use as a tool to better ourselves and our understandings of what takes place around us from the earth to our next door neighbor within our beautiful universe. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you enjoy this episode of Deeper Meaning Time. Listen and take what you will from this episode but within it is a deeper meaning, its up to you whether or not you believe it.

Intro/Outro Music
We Are One Vexento

We Are One by Vexento
Music promoted by Audio Library

High JPB

JPB – High [NCS Release]
Music promoted by Audio Library

Thinker Series Episode 11 Who Is Richard Feynman?

This episode of the Thinker Series introduces you to one of my biggest idols in life, Richard Feynman. A theoretical physicist and one of the biggest contributors in particle physics research and quantum electrodynamics. He has an incredible mind and listening to his lectures and interviews are easy. He is easy to understand and his knowledge is so vast on topics like life and his ability to understand the inner workings of the things that surround us and we interact with everyday. To learn under him would have been incredible. Unfortunately he is no longer with us but thankfully you can still listen to him and his thoughts online and learn amazing things in a simple way of understanding, because to Feynman life works in simple ways. Just like I’ve said before nature is life and nature isn’t complicated. Through study and thought you can come to learn things you never thought you’d understand just by beginning from the beginning. I encourage all members of society to push themselves to understand the micro and macro world in which we exist and will exist for years to come. Knowledge is power.

Thanks for listening!

Share, Subscribe, and Keep Thinking!

Find me at and email me!(Looking for deep thinkers to feature here on DMT!)

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Deeper Meaning Time. Your guide to insight, knowledge, and inspiration that will keep you thinking throughout your every day. Through our conversations to come, we will uncover some of the deepest meanings time has to offer. That is the goal here, to seek out those crazy thoughts that most of us have and do nothing with. Thoughts that maybe could one day become reality. No matter whether or not you agree with me or think I’m crazy or out of my mind this is just about understanding the world around me and making a discussion of my own thoughts. What the idea or thought is you might have, each one is important and is the step towards a greater understanding of the life that surrounds us and continues on for all of us indefinitely as we race through our universe through time and space.

Disclaimer: This is my first ever solo audio blog I’ve ever done. I enjoy writing and I enjoy talking about some crazy thoughts from time to time so i decided that this might be a good outlet to bring others in on the conversation and really dive deep into some mysterious of our existence and dive into those deeper meanings we all have and want to share, but sadly we don’t. With each new episode of Deeper Meaning Time I aim to better my skills as an editor, communicator, and entertainer, as i aspire to develop this into something we can all use as a tool to better ourselves and our understandings of what takes place around us from the earth to our next door neighbor within our beautiful universe. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you enjoy this episode of Deeper Meaning Time. Listen and take what you will from this episode but within it is a deeper meaning, its up to you whether or not you believe it.

Intro/Outro Music
We Are One Vexento

We Are One by Vexento
Music promoted by Audio Library

High JPB

JPB – High [NCS Release]
Music promoted by Audio Library

Thinker Series E10 Altered Mind States – Conclusion – (Mini-Series)

This is the 4th and last installment of the Altered Mind States Mini-Series and not to worry altered states of mind are a highly debated topic nowadays and e will continue to discuss these particular states in future episodes so STAY TUNED! This episode is a conclusion to mini-series where I sum up some details of experiencing and interests when i comes to mind altering states whether sought out with drugs or not these states are proof to humanity that we are capable and our minds are capable of understanding more and experiencing more than what we just interact with on a daily basis. Whether beneficial to you or not these states are just the reason for why more discussion is needed to understand more about our brains and our consciousness and their capabilities. There may be far more mind altering states I didn’t cover and could perhaps will arise in the future. Only time will tell whether a discussion will benefit humanity or not, but to me its not about the will its about the need.
Thanks for listening!

Share, Subscribe, and Keep Thinking!

Find me at and email me!(Looking for deep thinkers to feature here on DMT!)

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Deeper Meaning Time. Your guide to insight, knowledge, and inspiration that will keep you thinking throughout your every day. Through our conversations to come, we will uncover some of the deepest meanings time has to offer. That is the goal here, to seek out those crazy thoughts that most of us have and do nothing with. Thoughts that maybe could one day become reality. No matter whether or not you agree with me or think I’m crazy or out of my mind this is just about understanding the world around me and making a discussion of my own thoughts. What the idea or thought is you might have, each one is important and is the step towards a greater understanding of the life that surrounds us and continues on for all of us indefinitely as we race through our universe through time and space.

Disclaimer: This is my first ever solo audio blog I’ve ever done. I enjoy writing and I enjoy talking about some crazy thoughts from time to time so i decided that this might be a good outlet to bring others in on the conversation and really dive deep into some mysterious of our existence and dive into those deeper meanings we all have and want to share, but sadly we don’t. With each new episode of Deeper Meaning Time I aim to better my skills as an editor, communicator, and entertainer, as i aspire to develop this into something we can all use as a tool to better ourselves and our understandings of what takes place around us from the earth to our next door neighbor within our beautiful universe. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you enjoy this episode of Deeper Meaning Time. Listen and take what you will from this episode but within it is a deeper meaning, its up to you whether or not you believe it.

Intro/Outro Music
We Are One Vexento

We Are One by Vexento
Music promoted by Audio Library

High JPB

JPB – High [NCS Release]
Music promoted by Audio Library

Truck-size asteroid makes fourth-closest pass by Earth on record – CNET

My fellow deep thinkers, this is exactly the reason for the need for more discussion amongst all of us. The impact of an asteroid whether truck sized or city sized it will have an impact that could cause devastation to large cities or rural communities. Without more awareness of the inevitability of an impact in our future we will not be prepared for the effect of an impact from outer space. Why the news chooses to cover the president instead of the possibilities of meteors or asteroids hitting the earth is beyond me.

With discussion we can all become aware and turn our attention to threats other than the threat of our phones not waking us up because it didn’t charge through the night.

Thinker Series E9 Altered Mind States (Mini Series) – My Own Experience w/ Altered Mind States


This is the 3rd installment of the Altered Mind States Mini Series where I’m giving you a small dose of my own experiences with altered mind states using different types of illegal hallucinogens from LSD to mushrooms to DMT. In this episode I share my own thoughts in regards to my experiences with these drugs and how they have shaped me into the person I am today and its for the best that I’ve changed. Others like me have experienced similar circumstances and have realized how their own experiences changed their lives. I encourage people not to do drugs to experience more, I encourage people to think about the fact that these drugs can alter your mind and your life, that’s what is important. I hope you all enjoy my shared experience here on Deeper Meaning Time, because without my drug induced altered mind states there would be no Deeper Meaning Time.

Thanks for listening!

Share, Subscribe, and Keep Thinking!

Find me at and email me!(Looking for deep thinkers to feature here on DMT!)


Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Deeper Meaning Time. Your guide to insight, knowledge, and inspiration that will keep you thinking throughout your every day. Through our conversations to come, we will uncover some of the deepest meanings time has to offer. That is the goal here, to seek out those crazy thoughts that most of us have and do nothing with. Thoughts that maybe could one day become reality. No matter whether or not you agree with me or think I’m crazy or out of my mind this is just about understanding the world around me and making a discussion of my own thoughts. What the idea or thought is you might have, each one is important and is the step towards a greater understanding of the life that surrounds us and continues on for all of us indefinitely as we race through our universe through time and space.

Disclaimer: This is my first ever solo audio blog I’ve ever done. I enjoy writing and I enjoy talking about some crazy thoughts from time to time so i decided that this might be a good outlet to bring others in on the conversation and really dive deep into some mysterious of our existence and dive into those deeper meanings we all have and want to share, but sadly we don’t. With each new episode of Deeper Meaning Time I aim to better my skills as an editor, communicator, and entertainer, as i aspire to develop this into something we can all use as a tool to better ourselves and our understandings of what takes place around us from the earth to our next door neighbor within our beautiful universe. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you enjoy this episode of Deeper Meaning Time. Listen and take what you will from this episode but within it is a deeper meaning, its up to you whether or not you believe it.

Intro/Outro Music
We Are One Vexento

We Are One by Vexento
Music promoted by Audio Library

High JPB

JPB – High [NCS Release]
Music promoted by Audio Library

Thinker Series E8 Altered Mind States (Mini-Series) Non-Drug Induced States

This is the 2nd installment of the Altered Mind States Mini Series and is aimed at showing you listeners that there are several types of altered mind states that are achievable without drugs. From therapies, to meditation, to light. All states that can be beneficial to your mind once you have a good experience and you take something away from your experience, you can then grow and realize things about yourself that you didn’t know were possible. Not only are these types of states beneficial to us and to our minds, they are also relaxing and prove to relieve stresses and tension. Give an altered mind state a try and you might find that life has become a bit easier, once you realize your own potential.
Thanks for listening!

Share, Subscribe, and Keep Thinking!

Find me at and email me!(Looking for deep thinkers to feature here on DMT!)

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Deeper Meaning Time. Your guide to insight, knowledge, and inspiration that will keep you thinking throughout your every day. Through our conversations to come, we will uncover some of the deepest meanings time has to offer. That is the goal here, to seek out those crazy thoughts that most of us have and do nothing with. Thoughts that maybe could one day become reality. No matter whether or not you agree with me or think I’m crazy or out of my mind this is just about understanding the world around me and making a discussion of my own thoughts. What the idea or thought is you might have, each one is important and is the step towards a greater understanding of the life that surrounds us and continues on for all of us indefinitely as we race through our universe through time and space.

Disclaimer: This is my first ever solo audio blog I’ve ever done. I enjoy writing and I enjoy talking about some crazy thoughts from time to time so i decided that this might be a good outlet to bring others in on the conversation and really dive deep into some mysterious of our existence and dive into those deeper meanings we all have and want to share, but sadly we don’t. With each new episode of Deeper Meaning Time I aim to better my skills as an editor, communicator, and entertainer, as i aspire to develop this into something we can all use as a tool to better ourselves and our understandings of what takes place around us from the earth to our next door neighbor within our beautiful universe. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you enjoy this episode of Deeper Meaning Time. Listen and take what you will from this episode but within it is a deeper meaning, its up to you whether or not you believe it.

Intro/Outro Music
We Are One Vexento

We Are One by Vexento
Music promoted by Audio Library

High JPB

JPB – High [NCS Release]
Music promoted by Audio Library

Episode 6 Breaking News!/5G/Green Energy

Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels

Today we are plagued by the television media and news reporting stations that assume that everything they report on must be BREAKING NEWS! Oh yeah BREAKING NEWS! I published a new episode! While media companies sit around thinking of new ways to get our attention we are slowly turning backwards. While cellular companies are out there getting ready to install 5G wireless, what will that do to impact our future while we still run our planet on fossil fuels and age old technology. We need to all come together to develop a sustainable future before 5G and the artificial intelligence crashes to a halt because of our inability to see what we’re missing. We wont be able to sustain our power grid and the power required to operate a mass 5G network of connectivity. Especially in the event of mother nature helping to take it down. Think about whats to come folks. Or we are in for a rude awakening.

Thanks for listening!

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Find me at and email me!(Looking for deep thinkers to feature here on DMT!)

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Deeper Meaning Time. Your guide to insight, knowledge, and inspiration that will keep you thinking throughout your every day. Through our conversations to come, we will uncover some of the deepest meanings time has to offer. That is the goal here, to seek out those crazy thoughts that most of us have and do nothing with. Thoughts that maybe could one day become reality. No matter whether or not you agree with me or think I’m crazy or out of my mind this is just about understanding the world around me and making a discussion of my own thoughts. What the idea or thought is you might have, each one is important and is the step towards a greater understanding of the life that surrounds us and continues on for all of us indefinitely as we race through our universe through time and space.

Disclaimer: This is my first ever solo audio blog I’ve ever done. I enjoy writing and I enjoy talking about some crazy thoughts from time to time so i decided that this might be a good outlet to bring others in on the conversation and really dive deep into some mysterious of our existence and dive into those deeper meanings we all have and want to share, but sadly we don’t. With each new episode of Deeper Meaning Time I aim to better my skills as an editor, communicator, and entertainer, as i aspire to develop this into something we can all use as a tool to better ourselves and our understandings of what takes place around us from the earth to our next door neighbor within our beautiful universe. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you enjoy this episode of Deeper Meaning Time. Listen and take what you will from this episode but within it is a deeper meaning, its up to you whether or not you believe it.

Intro/Outro Music
We Are One Vexento

We Are One by Vexento
Music promoted by Audio Library

High JPB

JPB – High [NCS Release]
Music promoted by Audio Library

Thinker Series E7 Altered Mind States- Sensory Deprivation (Mini-Series)

Fellow deep thinkers, this episode is to introduce you to floating or sensory deprivation. If you’ve heard about it then you know what I’m talking about and I encourage you to tell others to give it a try. If you don’t know what I am referring to then I suggest you look into it and research the topic. It allows for free open-mindedness and its a fantastic tool that enables us to think deeper and experience more.
Stay tuned for the next thinker episode in which I dive deeper into altered mind states.

Thanks for listening!

Share, Subscribe, and Keep Thinking!

Find me at and email me!(Looking for deep thinkers to feature here on DMT!)

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Deeper Meaning Time. Your guide to insight, knowledge, and inspiration that will keep you thinking throughout your every day. Through our conversations to come, we will uncover some of the deepest meanings time has to offer. That is the goal here, to seek out those crazy thoughts that most of us have and do nothing with. Thoughts that maybe could one day become reality. No matter whether or not you agree with me or think I’m crazy or out of my mind this is just about understanding the world around me and making a discussion of my own thoughts. What the idea or thought is you might have, each one is important and is the step towards a greater understanding of the life that surrounds us and continues on for all of us indefinitely as we race through our universe through time and space.

Disclaimer: This is my first ever solo audio blog I’ve ever done. I enjoy writing and I enjoy talking about some crazy thoughts from time to time so i decided that this might be a good outlet to bring others in on the conversation and really dive deep into some mysterious of our existence and dive into those deeper meanings we all have and want to share, but sadly we don’t. With each new episode of Deeper Meaning Time I aim to better my skills as an editor, communicator, and entertainer, as i aspire to develop this into something we can all use as a tool to better ourselves and our understandings of what takes place around us from the earth to our next door neighbor within our beautiful universe. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you enjoy this episode of Deeper Meaning Time. Listen and take what you will from this episode but within it is a deeper meaning, its up to you whether or not you believe it.

Intro/Outro Music
We Are One Vexento

We Are One by Vexento
Music promoted by Audio Library

High JPB

JPB – High [NCS Release]
Music promoted by Audio Library

Thinker Series Episode 6 How Long Have We Been Here?

This episode asks two simple questions. How long have we been here? What is time? Two questions that will be answered in time. We cant always believe we know the answers or that everything is already figured out. Life is simple but we don’t think about things simply enough which leads me to believe we really haven’t even scratched the surface when it comes to understand this life and our history in the universe. Maybe we came from microbial life or maybe we came from extraterrestrials. We wont know unless we scrape our current understandings or at least attempt to understand life in a whole new light. Either way we will have to navigate a longer amount of time until we figure out unless we can all come together to collaborate and figure it out for ourselves because we owe it to ourselves to understand more of this life.

Thanks for listening!

Share, Subscribe, and Keep Thinking!

Find me at and email me!(Looking for deep thinkers to feature here on DMT!)

Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Deeper Meaning Time. Your guide to insight, knowledge, and inspiration that will keep you thinking throughout your every day. Through our conversations to come, we will uncover some of the deepest meanings time has to offer. That is the goal here, to seek out those crazy thoughts that most of us have and do nothing with. Thoughts that maybe could one day become reality. No matter whether or not you agree with me or think I’m crazy or out of my mind this is just about understanding the world around me and making a discussion of my own thoughts. What the idea or thought is you might have, each one is important and is the step towards a greater understanding of the life that surrounds us and continues on for all of us indefinitely as we race through our universe through time and space.

Disclaimer: This is my first ever solo audio blog I’ve ever done. I enjoy writing and I enjoy talking about some crazy thoughts from time to time so i decided that this might be a good outlet to bring others in on the conversation and really dive deep into some mysterious of our existence and dive into those deeper meanings we all have and want to share, but sadly we don’t. With each new episode of Deeper Meaning Time I aim to better my skills as an editor, communicator, and entertainer, as i aspire to develop this into something we can all use as a tool to better ourselves and our understandings of what takes place around us from the earth to our next door neighbor within our beautiful universe. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you enjoy this episode of Deeper Meaning Time. Listen and take what you will from this episode but within it is a deeper meaning, its up to you whether or not you believe it.

Intro/Outro Music
We Are One Vexento

We Are One by Vexento
Music promoted by Audio Library

High JPB

JPB – High [NCS Release]
Music promoted by Audio Library